FUSO detail images


Let's see the center of FUSO. As for the bridge of complicated constitution, structure across the bridge back through chimney is simple contrastively by the second modernisation.



I try to see bridge neighborhood with the image that is zoomed up. Also I try to see from the starboard up in the air through the back .














Furthermore I try to see the ship center from the top. The width of the tree deck is conspicuous. After completion this tree deck are dry brushed with enamel paints .



I try to see the zoomed-up images of the chimney and back bridge.













I try to see the situation of the stern. I'm surprised that 3 of type 95 reconnaissance floatplanes are installed on such a narrow place. There will be the possibility that made the operability a sacrifice to some degree. In the time of outbreak of war, the painting of all floatplanes except Aichi E13A1 type 0 Mitsubishi F1M2 type 0 was brown (the camouflage coating of bluish-black) with the dark green.


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