KINU detail images


First of all, let's show with the orthodox angle that shows 5,500 tons type very neat. She is very stunning !! Exactly she is dignified majesty as the torpedo fleet flagship.




The bridge and ship central part are focused on with the photographs below.
The degaussing coils side of the hull were indispensable to the warship at the time of outbreak of war. Because the coils molded on the side of kit hull seems a little thin, I shaved off those and renewed using a thin (0.3mm width) plastic rod.



As same as KUMA, TAMA, NAGARA and ABUKUMA all of davits, derricks, crane, catapult, handrails and ladders are replaced to the photo-etched parts. The FineMold company's parts of catapult for the seaplane are rather suitable than Tom 's.
I made the funnel frames for canvas cover and goniometer antenna with a 0.2 mmφ brass rod.
Furthermore, let's try to focus on the bridge and catapult neighborhood. The bridge shape was almost rectangle and the canopy existed to the root of the front mast. This canopy was remade with a plastic board.












This diorama assumes the situation of the Stallings bay meeting with ABUKUMA in February, in Showa 17. I made this diorama by the image that dispatching KINU and ABUKUMA for the support of the operation Java conquest.
This work was displayed for the TOBU-TAMIYA modellers contest in 2001 and won a prize.


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